Get your before-baby bod back

For over 30 years  Kris Abbey have been in the Health, Wellness & Spa industry – it is not a career path, rather a life journey!

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Next Program commences 5 September 2016

If you’re a busy mum and want to get your body (and health) back since that blue line appeared on your pregnancy test, then this program is for you.
This easy to follow (and stick to) 28-Day program will help you:
* Lose fat
* Gain energy
* Feel more vital
* Improve your sleep and concentration
* Improve your fitness, strength and flexibility
* Be in a better mood
* Feel damn good when you bounce out of bed

The program includes:
* An easy to follow 28-day Program ($600 value)
* Meal plans and shopping lists ($340)
* Healthy, nutritious recipe book ($39.00)
* Weekly Exercise program ($340)
* Facebook Support & Weekly Consults ($600)

Over $1900 in value and support


Which DIY Retreat To Do?

For us to best cater to your goals and needs, and to ensure you have a fantastic experience, please answer the following as honestly as possible. All is confidential.

  • Always or very goodSometimes or could be betterNot very or not at all
    How often do you have a good nights sleep?
    What about Stress?
    How often do you feel stretched for time?
    Would you say you have time to relax?
  • Always or very goodSometimes or could be betterNot very or not at all
    How often do you have a good nights sleep?
    What about Stress?
    Do you ever feel bloated and blah?
    How often do you think you should do a detox
  • Always or very goodSometimes or could be betterNot very or not at all
    Do you feel your waist band is a bit tight?
    How fit would you say you were?
    How often do yo feel fully energised?
    How often do you think about going on a diet?
  • Always or very goodSometimes or could be betterNot very or not at all
    Are you an adventurer?
    Are you are morning or night person?
  • SweatBothYoga
    Do you prefer sweating or exercise like yoga?
  • This is a security question to avoid spam, once answered correctly a submit/send button will appear.

Do I Need A Detox?

Answer the questions honestly! If you score over 6 points, you will definitely benefit from doing a detox or cleanse.

  • YesSometimesNo
    Do you suffer frequent headaches?
    Have you experienced poor digestion and bloating?
    Do you have occasional acne and breakouts?
    Have you struggled shifting excess weight
    Do you have or had bad breath
    Do you sometimes feel sluggish and lacking in energy
    Have you got poor sleep patterns
    Do you experience unexplained muscle aches and pains
    Do you suffer fogginess or forgetfulness?
    Do you feel anxious and/or suffer mood swings
    De you get recurring infections
    Do you have nerve pain or numbness
    Click on the answer that most applies to you at this time.
  • SweatBothYoga
    Do you prefer sweating or exercise like yoga?

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